Update Released

There are lots of big changes to report for this “minor” release, especially in KeyReporter. For example, lab schedules (Time Sets) can now be created and managed within the KeyReporter interface, and time sets can also be created and applied to reports in the report builder as well. An Options panel has been added to the report builder page, providing access on the web to various report options that were previously only accessible in KeyConfigure. Additionally, admins can now export chart-based widgets in either a PNG or SVG file format, and support for rearranging dashboard tabs, “locking” dashboard widget locations, and requiring confirmation before erasing or overwriting dashboards, have also been added.
In KeyConfigure, the Manage Scripts dialog now includes a list of javascript “plugins” available for direct download, so you’ll no longer have to go to our website to find and install them. Sassafras also includes many additional bug fixes and enhancements. A complete list of changes can be found here. Highlights include:
Bug fixes and New Features:
- Service can hang or stop for extended periods under some conditions (Windows only)
- Add ability to Duplicate Admin Roles, Groups, and Accounts
- Show scripts available from Sassafras in the Manage Scripts dialog
- Product categories have been revised to be more meaningful
- Admin accounts with a backslash in their name cannot see report templates they save
- Renaming a Division does not update maps that are based on that Division
- After renaming a division, the floorplan for that division might not appear until it is edited and saved again
- Add Options panel to Build Report page
- Add support for editing Time Sets for Maps
- Add support for specifying a custom time set for an individual report
- Add a widget button on chart-based widgets for saving the chart image as a PNG of SVG file
- Add a way to “lock” widgets in place when viewing a dashboard, to avoid accidentally moving them
- Add support for rearranging dashboard tabs
We have also identified the potential for odd Windows behavior when running local installations of installers on some computers. Sometimes the following message appears upon launching the installer: Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented and unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk.
This dialog is the result of the new certificate we obtained for signing our installers. More information about this can be found here. If you see the above warning, simply click the “More info” link and select “Run anyway.”
For full details on all changes and bug fixes in the build, visit the Release History page on our website.
Author: Jason Schackai
Training and implementation specialist by day, user experience designer by night, Jason helps users learn the ropes of Sassafras, while mining their difficulties for ways to improve the product. As his father once told him: “Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy!”
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