Adds Extra Shine to a Great Build

The new image (released May 12, 2020) polishes up an already sparkly release.
The “Auto-policy wizard” is now a little bit smarter, grouping related products into a single policy (think Creative Cloud, Microsoft Office, and AutoCAD).
In KeyReporter, new options have been added to utilization charts. One scales the chart so that the upper boundary represents the total computers in the current scope, as opposed to the upper limit of the data. The other allows you to present the information as a percentage instead of raw numbers. In previous builds, if there was a peak of 150 users in a room with 200 computers, for example, the chart would top out just above 150. Now, you can toggle the view to get a better idea of what percentage of the room was actually occupied during peak hours.
The Software Page has been restructured and two new sorting options have been added: Popular, and Recent. Popular simply sorts the software list by the number of unique users, and Recent brings recent searches (on the same computer) to the top.
In the settings for each computer group on the Maps page, there is now an option to display a copy button for the IP address, so that users can easily paste it into VNC or VPN tools for remote access.
Options have been added to the Computer Availability widget, giving admins more control over which computers are included in the data.
Admins can now choose a “primary” Maps tab for use when no page scope applies. This is particularly useful when searching for software, if “Virtual Labs” have have been configured on a secondary Maps tab.
Map sets in the scope menu are now collapsible for easier navigation.
A “dual-boot” attribute for computers has now been defined, and KeyServer now keeps audit data for both platforms. In prior builds, Dual Boot machines would appear with only the details and software list of the most recent logon.
Additional bug fixes and other minor updates in the release can be found here.
Author: Jason Schackai
Training and implementation specialist by day, user experience designer by night, Jason helps users learn the ropes of Sassafras, while mining their difficulties for ways to improve the product. As his father once told him: “Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy!”
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