Case Studies

Sassafras Software is trusted by hundreds of companies, universities and government agencies. Read our latest customer testimonials.


Thousands of higher-education sites, community colleges and K-12 districts world-wide employ the Sassafras KeyServer Platform to manage both academic and administrative computing resources. Our platform is well-adapted to the needs of academic computing with features of special interest for lab management, district-wide management of multiple schools, and custom licensing options especially adapted to academic software licensing models. Read the testimonials and Case Studies below for in-depth examples.

The University of Waikato

Right-size Computer Lab Hardware Spending

When usage patterns changed in The University of Waikato’s computers labs, the IT group needed a way to track and report on logins and usage. The team’s commitment, determination, and integrity — and Sassafras AllSight — helped them reduce costs and get their budget under control without reducing the quality of the services they provide.

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Evergreen State College

Sassafras KeyServer Platform Guides Effective IT Resource Management

Evergreen State College cut back on certain IT services to stay in budget. But when they reduced lab hours, the students protested. Evergreen needed a way to accurately inform themselves of the best times to open and close computing labs. The comprehensive computer login and software usage reporting offered by the Sassafras KeyServer Platform proved to be highly effective at guiding decisions for IT resource management.

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“Parkview” School District

Migration Management Case Study

The “Parkview” school district installed new mainframe systems that required upgrades for many of their end-point computers. But they didn’t know which ones. Two methods were used to determine migration requirements. One worked, the other didn’t.

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Corporate and Government

Computing standards become more stringent every year, and the Sassafras KeyServer Platform is employed at thousands of organizations world-wide to manage IT standards. Software Asset Management (SAM) and Software License Compliance are the core processes managed by AllSight. Software discovery and recognition, hardware audits, permissions-based software installation, denial of unauthorized programs, and a multitude of built-in audit, utilization, and compliance reports are included. The testimonials and Case Studies below provide a few summary examples.


Martin/Williams Advertising

Efficient Use of Software Assets

Before Martin/Williams Advertising started using the Sassafras KeyServer Platform, the annual “true-up” numbers for their Microsoft Enterprise Agreement were “just a guess”. But with the help of our platform, they now know exactly what their requirements are. Better yet, they’ve been able to reclaim and repurpose abandoned licenses at significant annual savings.

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British Broadcasting Corp.

Real-time Compliance Management

When the BBC received a mandate from its Board of Governors to cut their operating costs in order to avoid pending subscriber fee increases, the computing services team turned to Sassafras. KeyServer had more of the “must haves” than any other product. A key deciding factor for BBC was K2’s “Real-time Compliance Management” capabilities.

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