Albuquerque Public Schools Case Study
Keep Software Costs Under Budget
Albuquerque Public Schools serves 88,000 students and manages 30,000 computers with an IT staff of 25 technicians. Many of the computers throughout their district are supported by K2 – KeyAuditor & KeyServer. Kennedy Middle School supports 250 computers for 500 students with K2. Computers are distributed for use to classrooms, labs, faculty and administration and supported by one of the school’s teachers in his “spare” time.
Major School District reduces licensing costs and increases availability of software to educators with K2 – KeyAuditor & KeyServer
License optimization yields significant cost savings.
More requests for software than money:
When the IT staff at Kennedy was faced with a common predicament regarding their school’s need for software, they knew exactly how to resolve it. They had more requests for software than money to pay for it all. But they knew that they didn’t need as much software as staff and faculty were requesting. So they turned to K2 from Sassafras Software to discover their true needs.
Software Asset Management with K2:
They installed K2 – KeyAuditor & KeyServer to audit and measure their true software needs. Then they deployed copies of each software title to areas of confirmed need and began measuring demand. Some of their software agreements allowed them to temporarily install on more computers than they were licensed for and then “true-up” (reconcile) their licenses with the publisher at a latter date.As they identified computers that did not use the software assets deployed to them, they reclaimed those assets and redeployed them to other computers.

FileMaker Pro Example
- 250 computers
- School owned 12 licenses
- Deployed software to 12 computers
- Reclaimed and moved 2 licenses to new computers
- Only 9 computers used it over four months
- Savings: over $8,000
Microsoft Office 2004 Example
- 250 computers
- Deployment requests 200+
- Only 148 computers touched it over four months
- Purchased 150 licenses
- Set “Node-locked” licensing to “150”
- Savings: $5,000 (100 licenses x $50/each)

iWork Example
- 250 computers
- Deployment requests 200+
- Only 90 computers touched it over four months
- Purchased 100 licenses
- Set “Node-locked” licensing to “100”
- Savings: $7,500 (150 licenses x $50/each)
Now they know how much software they need:
Kennedy Middle School now provides software to 100% of the true needs in their environment at a cost below their originally limited budget. The ROI on their purchase of K2/KeyServer was achieved within months of product deployment, and they continue to save substantially with each new software title that they bring into compliance with K2.
More than just software management:
Some additional benefits they have experienced include efficient management of computing labs and mobile computing carts, launch denial of unauthorized “chat” and messaging software, and availability of student and teacher usage data for help-desk operations.