Jira Integration adds Asset Details to your Ticketing System
We’ve just released another help desk and service management integration, in addition to the TeamDynamix and ServiceNow plugins we already have. This one is for Jira: a ticketing, bug tracking, and project management system from Atlassian.
When troubleshooting computer issues, easy access to accurate hardware information is critical to efficient tech support and ticket resolution. With our integration, important computer details, like Serial Number, OS Version, IP Address, and Last User, are imported and synced on a schedule you define, so help desk workers won’t have to search through multiple data sources, make phone calls, or walk across campus for basic troubleshooting info. Instead, it’s just there. Open a ticket, link a computer, and boom:
And if you need additional information from the AllSight interface—like login history, an installed software list or usage report, or an event dump—the integration includes an embedded link to the Details page for each computer in the AllSight web UI. From there, additional hardware configuration details, asset fields and other assignment/ownership data, attached monitors, warranty and purchase information, documents, notes, and device history (coming in version 7.9) are available to any authorized users.
Providing access to AllSight information via Jira is easy to set up, and costs nothing extra. Simply install and configure the app in Jira, then import, configure, run, and schedule a daily or weekly sync using the javascript plug-in in AllSight, and you’re done. Check out the embedded links for all the details.
Author: Jason Schackai
Training and implementation specialist by day, user experience designer by night, Jason helps users learn the ropes of Sassafras, while mining their difficulties for ways to improve the product. As his father once told him: “Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy!”
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