
Live Webinar: Limited Access Accounts for Reporting

This webinar is has already occurred, and the recording is available below

In addition to your ITAM duties, do you currently serve as the dedicated AllSight report-runner, fielding requests from other stakeholders for usage data and other reports? Have you considered giving access to others in your organization, but aren’t sure where to start?

In this month’s webinar, we’re going to walk you through the process of setting up an account with limited access to data, and no ability to delete database objects, change settings, or “break” things. Steps we’ll cover include:

  1. Local or External Authentication — Will your new user(s) be logging in with an account you create manually within AllSight, or will you configure AD- or SSO-based authentication?

  2. Individual or Group Access — Will you be granting permissions to users individually, or via external (AD) group membership?

  3. Section-Level Access — Will your users have access to all computers and devices, or will they be restricted to a subset?

  4. Built-in or Custom Roles — Is one of our built-in roles sufficient, or will you need to create a new one manually to provide custom permissions?

  5. Permissions vs. ACLs — What’s the difference? How do they interact to give users the precise level of access and permissions they need, and nothing more?

  6. Dashboards and Reports — Finally, how can you create and manage a user’s dashboard and report options, without requiring them to configure everything themselves?

If you’ve thought about giving access to additional users for awhile, but don’t know where to start or just “haven’t found the time,” think about the time you’ll save when they can log in and run the reports they need for themselves, and join this webinar!

Watch the embedded video below:

Help Desk Webinar
Training and implementation specialist by day, user experience designer by night, Jason helps users learn the ropes of Sassafras, while mining their difficulties for ways to improve the product. As his father once told him: “Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy!”

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