TN 2325: Configuring KeyCheckout

KeyCheckout is an optional client component for borrowing Managed Policy licenses.

While license management in recent years has largely moved to vendor based systems, you may still have some that are managed by KeyServer. In the event a user needs to access software while there is no available connection to the KeyServer, a "checkout" can be performed. This operation allocates a license from the available pool to the machine in question for the duration of the checkout. The Policy will effectively show that seat as in use for the duration of the checkout.

Installing KeyCheckout

The KeyCheckout utility is an optional component of the KeyAccess install on the client machine. This option is not available in the UI in current versions and can only be activated by command line install options or using the k2clientconfig utility. Information on client deployment, including these various options, are documented on these pages:

Note that due to limitations in the MSI format, installing KeyCheckout on Windows is only possible on a fresh client install, not a re-install. You would need to remove the existing KeyAccess installation before running a new install that includes the KeyCheckout component.

Configuring the Server

In order for the KeyCheckout Utility to work, a special Policy must exist on the KeyServer. This can be manually created, or imported from the pre-defined extras included with KeyConfigure.
To import from our files, do the following:

At this point you should find a new managed policy in your Policies window for KeyCheckout.

To manually create this Policy, do the following:

Checking out Licenses

In order to borrow a license there must first be a Policy that has Portability configured. For any Managed Policy, open the Details and go to the Portable pane. Set a Time Limit for the portability and set other options as desired (more information under Policy Details.

Next, open the KeyAccess control panel or preference pane on a client and click the KeyCheckout button. The interface will have two panes, one for the licenses available on the server, the other for the local machine. To borrow a license, simply drag one from the server to the client. A seat will now be allocated to that machine for the duration of the borrow and marked in use by the server. Actual usage of the application will be reported back to the server by the client when it connects in the future.

Other reasons for Checkout

There may be reasons for performing a checkout even when there is another license manager in play. For example, AutoDesk products are controlled by FlexLM, but that software has no usage reporting features so customers will use KeyServer to track usage. FlexLM also has no advanced management, so on KeyServer the Policy for AutoCAD may be managed instead of just Observe so that Idle settings can be specified. This allows for not only warnings when license use is near peak, but also notification of availability if all seats are in use. While this creates a best of both worlds situation, inconsistencies will arrise if the OPT settings in FlexLM are used for license borrowing. If 3 of 20 seats are borrowed on Flex but not KeyServer, warnings due to limits will not function as KeyServer does not know about the other 3 in use due to borrow. The solution is to not only borrow in FlexLM, but also in KeyCheckout so that they numbers match.


Error message in KeyCheckout that the server can not be contacted due to network issues: See Configuring the Server above and make sure there is a valid Policy for KeyCheckout

KeyCheckout does not install on Windows: See Installing KeyCheckout above and ensure KeyAccess is uninstalled before trying again.