TN 3701: Sassafras Software Dialog box messages

This technote describes the various error, warning, and informational messages that may appear in dialogs while using KeyAccess, KeyConfigure, and other Sassafras Software components.

The following sections list messages that might appear to the KeyServer Administrator or to users of KeyServer-managed programs. The messages are listed alphabetically by prefix, as follows:

  • KeyAccess (e.g., KA-10, KA-220)
  • KeyConfigure (KC prefix)
  • KeyServer (KS prefix)

The last section contains some KS messages that are related to the KeyServer functionality but which are displayed by KeyAccess. Each section contains both the Macintosh and Windows messages.

Because all of your users might potentially see some of these messages, the messages have been written with as many built-in instructions as possible. The explanations given below are addressed to you, the KeyServer administrator, so that you can better answer the questions your users may have.

Note that in some cases one or more messages are grouped above a single explanation. If a message appears to have no explanatory paragraph attached to it, look to the next explanation, which applies to all the messages listed directly above it.

KeyAccess Messages

The following messages, listed in order by message number, might appear on a computer running KeyAccess.

KA-80 The network KeyServer, which is required by KeyServer controlled programs, is currently supporting the maximum number of users. Please try again later.

This message usually indicates that you have reached your seat limit for the Sassafras Software Suite. Contact support for assistance in managing your seats or Sales to expand your license. There are rare instances under which stale sessions can appear to use connections that are not allocated to Computers. In these cases a service restart and possibly a dbconsist check may be needed to resolve the issue.

KA-90 The network KeyServer, which is required by this program, has denied a license with no reason given.

If this message appears, you are probably not using the most recent version of KeyAccess. If you have bought an upgrade from Sassafras Software, install the latest version onto the computer that displays this message.

KA-100 All licenses for the program "Program" are still checked out. You are currently in line to be notified when a license becomes available.

If the user is waiting for a license for a KeyServer-managed program, the user can still try to launch the program. However, since KeyServer hasn't notified the user, there are still no licenses available. In this case, the user will not have to get back in line for a license, but will instead remain in the same position. When this message appears the user can either stay in line by clicking the OK button, or "step out of line" by clicking the Cancel button. Users who get out of the line in this manner will have to wait at the end of the line if they choose to launch the program at a later time.

KA-110 KeyAccess does not have a record of a default KeyServer selection. Select "Chooser" in the apple menu, click on the "KeyAccess" icon, and choose a KeyServer.

Open KeyAccess (in Control Panel on Windows and Preference Pane on Mac), and configure the KeyServer address, then click Logon.

KA-120 The network KeyServer, which is required by this program, did not respond. Please check the network connection and try opening the program again.

When you launch a KeyServer-managed program, KeyAccess tries to contact the KeyServer and obtain a license. If, after many attempts, the KeyServer does not answer these requests, KeyAccess posts this message. The best thing to do is to try to launch the program again - the network might have been busy the previous time - and if this fails, you will need to check the network for breaks.

KA-140 The network KeyServer, which is required by this program, has delivered an unrecognized response. Report this problem to your system administrator.

You are probably not using the most recent version of KeyAccess. If you have received an upgrade from Sassafras Software, install the latest version of KeyAccess onto the computer that displays this message.

KA-150 The network KeyServer, which is required by this program, has issued a bad key. Report the problem to your system administrator. You may need to update the program.

Each key sent out by the KeyServer is checked by KeyAccess for consistency. If KeyAccess receives a key that is different than what it is expecting, it will post this message. This inconsistency could be caused by a faulty network connection, or by a corrupted KeyServer file. If the message persists, use KeyConfigure to restore the key that is giving you trouble.

In rare cases, if you key a new version of a program, the new key might replace the key for the old version of the same program. If this happens, users of the old version will access the new key, which does not match the old version of the program. When KeyAccess determines this mismatch, it will post the "bad key" message. Although this has not been a problem in practice, you should be aware that it is a rare possibility. If a new version's key ever replaces an old version's key, please contact Sassafras Software Support.

KA-170 The network KeyServer, which is required by this program, will not issue a license unless you type your KeyServer password. To use this program, double-click on it and type your password when asked.

This message only appears when the KeyServer has asked the user to type a name and password, and the user either clicked Cancel, or typed the wrong password three times in a row. The KeyServer will never allow an unauthenticated user to use this KeyServer-managed program.

KA-180 The network KeyServer, which is required by KeyServer controlled programs, has denied "User Name" permission to logon..

When KeyServer is configured to ask for a name and password, and the user types the wrong password, this message will appear. Make sure that the caps lock key is not engaged, and that the password is indeed correct. The user is given three attempts to type the proper password, and then is denied access to the KeyServer and its Licenses.

KA-190 The network KeyServer, which is required by KeyServer controlled programs, does not recognize the user name "User Name".

When KeyServer is configured to ask for a name and password, and the user types a name that the KeyServer does not know, this message will appear. Make sure that the name is typed exactly as it is entered in the name/password database. The user is given three attempts to type the proper name and password, and then is denied access to the KeyServer and its Licenses.

KA-200 The KeyServer "KeyServer Name" has denied "User Name" permission to log on.

Depending on the authentication method in use, the KeyServer might determine that a certain user can never gain access to the KeyServer (e.g., the Locations might prohibit access from certain network addresses). Verify the client is not on a prohibited Location, the Computer is not Excluded, and if using authenticated client connections that the account in question is a member of the allowed group.

KA-220 A KeyServer connection could not be established because of difficulties with the internal networking software.

When you restart or double-click on a keyed program, KeyAccess will try to open a communication socket again. If this problem persists, make sure you are using compatible system software, and that you have the proper network software installed.

KA-260 The network KeyServer “keyserver” is not responding. Please make sure you have a current version of KeyAccess, and that the KeyServer name is entered correctly.

This message appears when a configuration, firewall, or other issue prevents a client computer from reaching KeyServer. Verify the KeyServer's name/address in the KeyAccess Control Panel (Windows), Preference Pane (Macintosh) or in the KeyAccess Setup dialog (linux), and click Logon. If the problem persists, contact your System Administrator.

KA-270 Communication with the KeyServer could not be initiated from your computer.

KA-280 A connection to a network KeyServer is required in order to run this program. Open KeyAccess and log on to a KeyServer.

Open KeyAccess (in Control Panel on Windows and Preference Pane on Mac), and configure the KeyServer address, then click Logon.

KA-285 A connection to a network KeyServer could not be established. Open KeyAccess and verify the KeyServer logon information.

The KeyServer address may be incorrectly configured. Open KeyAccess (in Control Panel on Windows and Preference Pane on Mac), and configure the KeyServer address, then click Logon.

KA-310 Network interruption or other potential license violation. Please quit from the KeyServer controlled programs listed below.

KA-320 Network interruption or other potential license violation. You must quit from the KeyServer controlled programs listed below.

By default, new policies are set to Relaxed Enforcment, meaning that if a computer is running an associated program and it loses its connection to KeyServer, it can continue using the program. However, if a policy is changed to Strict Enforcement, then this message will appear after the connection to the KeyServer is lost. After you click OK, you will have about one minute to quit the controlled programs running on this computer before you are again reminded that you must quit them. These message will get increasingly more insistent.

KA-340 Sorry, your notification request for "Program" has been lost. Try launching this program again.

Under rare circumstances (mainly when the KeyServer machine crashes or is turned off in a non-standard way), the KeyServer loses track of who is waiting for which program. When this message appears, the only solution is to re-launch the program.

KA-350 The program "Program" is now available from "KeyServer Name". This KeyServer will reserve a license in your name for five minutes if you wish.

This is not an error message. If you have been waiting for a license to a program and you get this message, the KeyServer is telling you that you may now use it. Launch the program within five minutes for guaranteed access to the program.

KA-380 The KeyServer administrator has reclaimed the licenses for the following applications. Please quit from the programs listed below.

KA-390 The KeyServer administrator has reclaimed the licenses for the following applications. You must quit from the programs listed below.

The KeyServer administrator can force a user to quit a KeyServer-controlled program, if perhaps the user is no longer using the program. When a license to a program is reclaimed, the KeyServer makes the license available to other users, and at the same time, KeyAccess forces the user of the reclaimed license to quit from the program. If the user does not quit within a certain amount of time, this message is repeated. The only way to stop these messages from appearing is to quit from the KeyServer-controlled program. These two messages are unique in that, even if the user's copy of KeyAccess is set to remove messages after five minutes, these messages will remain on the user's screen until manually dismissed.

KA-400 The licenses for the programs listed below have timed out. Please quit from these programs.

KA-410 The licenses for the programs listed below have timed out. You must quit from these programs.

The KeyServer administrator can specify a check-out limit for any KeyServer-controlled program. Once a user has used such a program for the allowed amount of time, KeyServer makes the license available to other users, and at the same time, KeyAccess forces the user to quit from the KeyServer-controlled program. If the user does not quit within a certain amount of time, this message is repeated. The only way to stop these messages from appearing is to quit from the KeyServer-controlled program. These two messages are unique in that, even if the user's copy of KeyAccess is set to remove messages after five minutes, these messages will remain on the user's screen until manually dismissed.

KA-420 The programs listed below have been running idle in the background. If you are not using them, you should quit from them so that others may use their licenses. Bring the program to the foreground to use it.

KA-425 The KeyServer controlled program listed below has been running idle in the background. There are x other users waiting to use this program, so you should quit from it. Bring the program to the foreground to use it.

In order to cut down on the number of licenses that are held by users when the KeyServer-controlled program is not being used, KeyAccess will optionally track how much time the program has gone unused, and post a message after a period of time (configurable in the General Settings dialog of KeyConfigure). Once the program is brought to the foreground, the timer is reset. Users should determine whether they actually need to run the program, and quit from it if they are not using it any more. The Idle setting can be turned on or off for each individual Policy, in the Idle pane of the Policy details.

KA-430 The KeyServer controlled programs listed below have been running idle in the background. Please quit from the programs listed below.

KA-440 The KeyServer controlled programs listed below have been running idle in the background. You must quit from the programs listed below.

The KeyServer administrator can specify an idle timeout for any KeyServer-controlled program. Once the program has been idle (in the background) for the allowed amount of time, KeyServer makes the license available to other users, and at the same time, KeyAccess forces the user to quit from the KeyServer-controlled program. If the user does not quit within a certain amount of time, this message is repeated. The only way to stop these messages from appearing is to quit from the KeyServer-controlled program. These two messages are unique in that, even if the user's copy of KeyAccess is set to remove messages after five minutes, these messages will remain on the user's screen until manually dismissed.

KA-460 KeyAccess requires that you run an updated version of this KeyServer controlled program.

Each version of KeyAccess can communicate with a certain range of versions of KeyServer-controlled programs (Sassafras Software will try as hard as it can to keep this range large). If you have recently upgraded your networked computers with the latest version of KeyAccess, users might get this message when they launch an older keyed program. You, the KeyServer administrator, will have to create a new version of the keyed program using the latest version of KeyConfigure and then distribute this version to your users.

KA-470 KeyAccess must be updated to a newer version before you can run this KeyServer controlled program.

Each version of a keyed program can communicate with a certain range of versions of KeyAccess (Sassafras Software will try as hard as it can to keep this range large). If you have recently upgraded your networked computers with the latest version of a keyed program, users might get this message when they launch the new version. You will have to distribute a copy of the latest version of KeyAccess to your users, if they want to run any new programs.

KA-480 Sorry, you must close the KeyServer controlled programs listed below before selecting a new KeyServer.

You can only hold licenses from one KeyServer at a time. If you have more than one KeyServer on your network, you must quit all KeyServer-controlled programs before switching to a different KeyServer.

KA-500 You are now logged on to "KeyServer Name". KeyAccess will automatically log on to this KeyServer whenever you start your computer.

This is not an error message, but merely positive feedback that you properly logged on to the KeyServer. The Logon button in the Control Panel or Preference Pane is generally only necessary when switching to a different KeyServer.

KA-510 The KeyServer controlled program "Program" running on this computer is about to time out. Save your work and quit now in order to avoid further warning messages.

If a timed-use Policy has been set to auto-extend, KeyAccess attempts to get the license for another block of time about ten minutes before the license times out. If the program is no longer supported, or if there are other users waiting in line to use the program, KeyServer will not grant the license for a longer period of time. When this occurs, KeyAccess warns the user that the license is about to time out. If the user has not quit from the program by the time limit, KeyServer will automatically revoke the license, and at the same time KeyAccess will tell the user that they must quit from the KeyServer-controlled program.

KA-520 The license for "Program" times out in less than one week. If you need it for a longer period of time, connect to the KeyServer and request an extension.

This message warns the user of a portable key that the license is about to expire. Once a portable key expires, the keyed program will not be able to run again until the user gets a new portable key from the KeyServer. When this message appears, the user should make plans to get a new portable key if the program is to be used for a longer period of time.

KA-530 The license for "Program" times out in less than one day. If you need it for a longer period of time, connect to the KeyServer and request an extension.

This message warns the user of a portable key that the license is about to expire. Once a portable key expires, the keyed program will not be able to run again until the user gets a new portable key from the KeyServer. When this message appears, the user should make plans to get a new portable key if the keyed program is to be used for a longer period of time.

KA-540 Changing your system clock by this much may cause any portable keys to unexpectedly expire. Make sure you entered the desired time properly.

KeyAccess keeps a careful watch on the system clock, so that changes to the system clock do not allow portable keys to be used beyond their expiration date. Portable keys that are created with the "Use Strong calculation of current time" option are very sensitive to large changes in the system clock. If this message appears, the user should click Cancel and check that the system clock is being set to the desired time (check for typographical errors in the month or year). If the system clock is accidentally set too far into the future, portable keys could unexpectedly expire. Before running a keyed program, first set the clock back to the proper time, and then run KeyCheckout while connected to the KeyServer. This will let KeyAccess adjust its internal notion of the current time, and portable keys will work properly.

KA-550 Another copy of the KeyServer controlled program "Program" is already running on this computer. Consider quitting from this copy and using the other one. This will allow other people to use the program's license.

In order to cut down on the number of licenses that are held by users when the KeyServer-controlled program is not being used, KeyAccess will post a warning message when a duplicate copy of a controlled program is launched. Users should determine whether they actually need to run the program, and quit from it if they only need one copy running.

KA-560 The portable key for "Program" is bad. The corrupted key has been removed, so you will not be able to run this program unless you connect to a KeyServer.

This message usually appears because a user has manually copied or duplicated the portable key in the Finder or Windows Explorer. KeyAccess cannot use these manual copies of portable keys, and will delete any portable key that is believed to be such an illegal copy. To properly move a portable key from one disk to another, use KeyCheckout. This message could also appear if the disk is corrupted, or if the portable key has been restored from a backup using an archival program.

KA-570 The portable key for "Program" is on a locked disk. You must unlock this disk before you will be able to run this program.

KeyAccess keeps track of certain information about a key in its portable key file. In order to use a portable key, KeyAccess must first be able to store this information in the portable key file, which it cannot do if the disk is locked. If the portable key file is locked, KeyAccess will unlock it before using it.

KA-580 The portable key for "Program" is not on your startup volume. You must move this key to your startup volume before you will be able to run this program.

Some portable keys may be limited to work only when they are stored on the startup or System disk. This option can be turned on in the Policy details in KeyConfigure.

KA-590 You cannot use the portable key for "Program" if your startup disk is a floppy disk. Please startup from a hard disk if you wish to use this keyed program.

Some portable keys may be limited to work only when the active System disk is a hard disk. Restart the computer with a hard disk, or use the portable key on another computer. This option will normally be set and locked by the KeyServer administrator, but it might be changeable when the portable key is first created.

KA-600 The portable key for "Program" has an unknown format. Please remove this portable key and get a new one from the KeyServer.

Portable keys file have a fixed format, and are stamped with a format version number. If KeyAccess encounters a portable key that has an unknown format version, it will not be able to use that portable key. For the most part, new versions of KeyAccess will be able to use portable keys with older formats. However, when new features are added to portable keys, older versions of KeyAccess will not be able to read portable keys with the newer format.

KA-610 You cannot use the portable key for "Program" while it is on a floppy disk. Please move the portable key to a hard disk if you wish to use this KeyServer controlled program.

Some portable keys may be limited to work only when they are stored on a hard disk or other large storage device. To move a portable key from one disk to another, use KeyCheckout. This option will normally be set and locked by the KeyServer administrator, but it might be changeable when the portable key is first created.

KA-620 The KeyServer controlled program "Program" cannot be opened from a file server. Please copy this program to your local hard disk and double-click on it again.

At the KeyServer administrator's option, certain KeyServer-controlled programs may be required to run off of a hard disk or other local storage device. If this message appears, the program should be copied to a local hard disk and launched again. This will reduce the network traffic generated when you launch the program.

KA-625 The KeyServer controlled program "Program" must be opened from a file server. Locate a copy of this program on your network file server and double-click on it again.

At the KeyServer administrator's option, certain KeyServer-controlled programs may be required to run off of a file server. This may be necessary in situations where the local disks of computers have limited storage space, or when the administrator chooses to store applications in a central location for support reasons. In rare cases, this limitation is required by ill-conceived license agreements.

KA-700 The main network KeyServer, which is required by KeyServer controlled programs, has denied "User Name" permission to logon, so you cannot logon to KeyServer Name. Report the problem to your system administrator.

When KeyServer is configured to ask for a name and password, and the user types a name and password that the KeyServer does not know, this message can appear. Make sure that the name is typed exactly as it is entered in the name/password database.

KA-710 The network KeyServer currently prohibits all launches of [Executable]. Contact your KeyServer administrator if you need to run this program.

In addition to the actual stated issue, it could be that the client has a bad cache. Ensure you have upgraded to the latest version of KeyAccess. Otherwise, verify Policies allow for execution.

KA-2002 The KeyServer "keyserver" has not securely proven its identity. Please make sure you have properly entered the KeyServer host name.

This indicates a client requiring Trust but the server is either lacking a valid certificate or a valid license file that enables use of this service.

KA-2003 Secure communication with the KeyServer "[server]" could not be established. Please make sure you have properly entered the KeyServer host name.

This occurs when using either Trusted Service or an HTTPS address in KeyAcess and there is an issue with the trusted connection. This can be caused by a network issue, or a certificate configuration issue on the server.

KA-AUTH-10 KeyAccess could not log on to KeyServer because the needed authentication files are not installed. Please report this problem to your KeyServer administrator.

KA-AUTH-20 KeyAccess could not log on to KeyServer because of an authentication error. Please report this problem to your KeyServer administrator.

KA-AUTH-30 KeyAccess could not log on to KeyServer because there is not enough memory to complete the authentication process.

KA-AUTH-40 KeyAccess could not log on to KeyServer because of an authentication error. Make sure you have installed the latest version of KeyAccess and its associated support files.

KA-AUTH-50 The KeyServer "KeyServer Name" has denied "User Name" permission to logon.

These errors all indicate that there is a problem with the Authentication process. However, they should be quite rare, and will not occur under normal circumstances. Contact Sassafras Software Support if you see any of them.

KA-WIN-10 KeyServer-controlled programs will not be able to run unless KeyAccess is running. Exiting from KeyAccess will disable all KeyServer-controlled programs.

This warning message reminds the user that KeyAccess must remain loaded while any KeyServer-controlled programs are running. If a user needs to exit from KeyAccess, all controlled programs must be exited first.

KeyConfigure Messages

The following messages, listed in order by message number, might appear while you are running KeyConfigure. Some of the messages below are error messages; some are just explanatory or informational.

KC-10 The Licenses file is locked or read-only, so you will not be able to make any changes to its Licenses. You can still view and Copy Licenses, but you will not be able to Paste, Cut, or Edit the Licenses.

This is not an error message. It is merely informing you that the Licenses file you just opened is locked or in use by another program. In order to avoid inconsistencies, KeyConfigure opens it in an un-modifiable window. You may Copy Licenses from this window into other windows, where you can subsequently Edit the Licenses.

KC-60 The KeyServer you are trying to connect to is incompatible with this copy of KeyConfigure. Switch to a compatible KeyConfigure, or select a different KeyServer.

KC-65 The KeyServer "KeyServer Name" could not be located, or may be an incompatible version. Check the KeyServer version, network connectivity, and firewall settings.

Either there is no KeyServer running at the address you typed in, or the address cannot be reached, or there is an incompatible version of KeyServer running. The KeyServer and KeyConfigure speak a certain network language, or protocol. Two different versions of KeyConfigure may use two different protocols, so you must make sure you are using the proper version of KeyConfigure.

KC-100 A new file named "File" could not be created. Please try saving the file with a different name.

Whenever you select Save As from the file menu, KeyConfigure tries to create a new file. If there is already a file with the same name, KeyConfigure will attempt to overwrite it. This cannot be done in certain circumstances (e.g., if the existing file is in use or locked). Try again with a different name.

KC-110 A new License file named "File" could not be created. Make sure the disk is not locked, and that there is some free space.

Whenever you select Save As from the file menu, KeyConfigure tries to create a new file. New files cannot be made on disks that are locked, and some free space is needed on the disk in order to store information about the file. Unlock the disk, free up some space, and try again.

KC-260 This Demonstration copy of the KeyServer will support a limited number of Licenses at one time. If you want to Install a new License, you must first Delete one of the existing Licenses and then restart the KeyServer machine.

When KeyServer is being run as a demo version, it has various limitations, such as a maximum number of licenses.

KC-370 KeyServer has previously keyed a copy of this application. KeyServer's existing key will be used to transform this copy of the application into a keyed version.

KeyConfigure will use the existing key from KeyServer, however, the application will get keyed, just as it would if it were not already known.

KC-380 That is not the right password. Check the caps lock key and try again.

You are given three chances to type the correct KeyConfigure password.

KC-390 You have failed to type the correct password, so you will not be able to access the KeyServer.

Make sure that the caps lock key is not depressed, and that you are capitalizing the proper letters in your password. You are given three attempts to type your password correctly. Under special circumstances, Sassafras Software can recover forgotten passwords.

KC-405 You should change the password for KeyServer's Administrator account as soon as possible. From the Window menu, choose Admin Access. Open the Administrator account and enter a new password.

Every KeyServer ships with the same Administrator password. You should change the password as soon as possible, so that unauthorized people cannot access your KeyServer. If you do not change the password, anyone with KeyConfigure will be able to type the default password and gain administrative access to your KeyServer. See the Admin Access documentation for details on changing the Administrator and Assistant passwords.

KC-411 There was an error while setting the password. You might have entered the Administrator password incorrectly.

You must enter the current Administrator password in order to change the password for another KeyConfigure account.

KC-438 This program is known to check itself for virus infection. For this reason, it is recommended that you use the Zero Footprint option when keying this program. You have not chosen Zero Footprint.

Certain programs check themselves for virus infection before running. KeyServer's default installation appears like a virus to these programs. KeyConfigure knows about some of the programs that perform this check, and recommends that you use the Zero Footprint install.

KC-440 KeyConfigure cannot install a key into this application. Check that you have disabled any virus protection programs you may have installed, and re-key the application.

KC-445 KeyConfigure cannot install a key into this application. The specific layout of the file does not allow a key to be added. Please contact Sassafras Software for options.

The keying process must add a certain number of bytes to an application, and once in a while the exact layout of an application does not have enough room for the key to be added.

KC-555 Your connection to the KeyServer has been lost. Verify that the KeyServer process is running and that the network is intact, then try to reconnect.

KC-556 Your connection to the KeyServer has been lost because the KeyServer was shut down. Verify that the KeyServer is running again before trying to reconnect.

KeyConfigure can only show configuration information while it is connected to the KeyServer. If the connection is lost, you must reconnect.

KC-557 Your connection to the KeyServer has ended due to inactivity

If "Disconnect inactive sessions after" is configured in Config - Admin Authentication, when the timeout is reached this message will be displayed when the session is closed.

KC-560 Are you sure you want to permanently erase the log file named "File" (N bytes) on the KeyServer machine? All of the information in this log will be permanently lost.

KC-561 Are you sure you want to permanently erase the selected log files ("File1", "File2" ...) on the KeyServer machine? All of the information in these logs will be permanently lost.

This is just a warning message. Whenever you choose a log file from the Delete Remote Log menu, this message will appear. Make sure you selected the file you meant to select, and continue.

KC-580 "License Data" should be converted before its Licenses are used. A converted file named "License Data" will be created, and the unconverted copy will be renamed "License Data (old)".

KC-590 The file "License Data" should be converted before its Licenses are used, but there is no room on the disk to convert it.

KC-600 The file "License Data" should be converted before its Licenses are used, but the disk is locked or there is no room on the disk to convert it.

KC-610 The file "License Data" should be converted before its Licenses are used, but it is locked. Please unlock the file or disk, and open again to convert this file.

Certain older versions of Licenses files have a slightly different format from the standard (latest) format. In order to work properly with the KeyServer, the Licenses in these files must be converted to the standard format. Click the Cancel button if for some reason you do not want to convert the Licenses, or if you wish to view the Licenses in unconverted format (you do so at your own risk). Once you have converted a Licenses file, you may use it without further trouble.

KC-620 "License Data" needs minor repairs before its Licenses can be displayed properly. This copy of the file will be repaired, so make sure you have a backup copy.

Whenever a Licenses file is opened, KeyConfigure performs various internal checks, to make sure that the Licenses file has the proper format. Click OK to fix the file. Click Cancel if you do not want to modify the file. If you cancel the repairs, KeyConfigure opens the Licenses file read-only, so that you cannot edit Licenses, add new Licenses, or delete existing Licenses.

KC-630 "License Data" needs minor repairs before its Licenses can be displayed properly, but it is locked or read-only. You can still view the Licenses, but you should unlock the file and repair it as soon as possible.

Whenever a Licenses file is opened, KeyConfigure performs various internal checks, to make sure that the Licenses file has the proper format. To fix the file, make sure that the disk containing the Licenses file is not locked, that the Licenses file is not locked, and that the file is not opened in another program. If you have opened the License Data file while the KeyServer is still using it, you will need to make a copy of the file, open that copy (use Open in the File menu again), repair the file, rename it License Data, place it in the KeyServer Data folder, and restart the KeyServer machine.

KC-635 "License Data" has at least one License with the "Local Zone Only" option set. This option should be disabled, and the Locations filter used instead.

Your License Data contains an old License that uses a deprecated option. To accomplish the same effect that this option was originally used for, you can use a Location, a Group defined by the Location, and a Group restriction on the License.

KC-965 KeyConfigure does not have sufficient privileges to install a key into this program. Enable write privileges on the program and try again.

KeyConfigure needs write permissions in order to modify applications during keying. Once in a while, these permissions are disabled and must be enabled before keying can succeed.

KC-970 This program file is already keyed. If you wish to install a new key, please use an original copy of the program.

You are trying to key a program which is already keyed.

KC-980 Part of the message you have typed will not be visible to users of older versions of KeyAccess. The message should fit in the text box, and should not go above or below the text box.

Versions of KeyAccess previous to 3.1 can only display the first four lines of a message (KeyAccess version 3.1 and beyond can display up to ten lines of a message). The message box in the bulletin dialog is exactly the same size as the message box that KeyAccess displays, so you should be sure that your message fits before you send it to any users of old versions of KeyAccess.

KC-990 Make a portable key for "Program"? This will not check out a new key from the KeyServer, it will merely make a duplicate copy of the existing portable key.

This is not an error message, but merely a warning message to remind you that existing portable keys can only be copied in KeyConfigure-- the program cannot create new portable keys (use KeyCheckout for that purpose) The reason for making a duplicate portable key is so that you can reclaim, or reissue, any portable keys that might have been lost or are otherwise unusable. Use this feature with caution, as it could potentially allow more than the licensed number of users to run the KeyServer-controlled program.

KC-1110 The program "Program" is already keyed. Deputize a copy of the original installer if you need a new deputized copy.

Programs cannot be keyed (deputized) more than once. Check that you are deputizing a copy of the original installer program. If you have installed a normal key into the installer, you will not be able to deputize it. You should not distribute an installer that has a normal (non-deputy) key, as it will not be able to automatically key the programs that it installs.

KC-1200 The KeyServer contains a Key that might match this program. Do you want to create a new, separate Key for this program or use the old, existing Key?

Before KeyConfigure keys a program, it first scans the list of Policies in the Policies Window to check if there is already a Policy for the program. In some cases, it might find a Policy that could be used for the program, for example if a previous version of the program was keyed. You can either use this same Policy, or you can make a new Policy for this program. In the former case, the newly keyed program will share Policies with other copies that are already in use on your network. In the latter case, you will create a second Policy for the keyed program, and can configure different limits and group restrictions for the two policies. In both cases the new program is keyed by KeyConfigure.

KC-1210 This program is used primarily to install other software. KeyConfigure will "deputize" this program so that the software it installs will be automatically keyed.

When you key a program, KeyConfigure first checks if the program is a "known" installer. If so, you will see this message recommending that you deputize the installer so that it will key all programs that it installs. Deputized installers can also be controlled as any other keyed program can be controlled. A new Policy will be placed in the Policies window, and you can edit this Policy just like any other.

KC-1220 This program is not enabled for multiple launches from a file server. If users will be launching this program from a file server, it should be multi-launch enabled.

Some programs are not initially configured to allow more than one person to launch a particular copy from a file server. Most such programs can be "multi-launched", and just need to tell the system that this is possible. If you choose to enable the program for multiple launches, you should also test run the program to make sure that it runs properly from a file server. Once you have verified that it runs from a file server, and can be run by more than one person at a time, you can then distribute it to your users. If you find that a program does not run properly when multi-launch enabled, then you should re-key the program and choose "Don't Enable" when prompted by KeyConfigure. The program will then have to be run from the users' local systems. Note that this limitation is not imposed by KeyServer, and is present whether or not you use KeyServer.

KC-1225 Keying this program will remove its digital signature. The keyed version may not function as designed if it relies on any OS services available only to signed programs.

Keying a program modifies the executable. For a signed program, this would invalidate the signature. Therefore, KeyConfigure must remove the signature (since an unsigned program is better than a signed program with a broken signature). However, an unsigned program still may not be able to function exactly as a signed program would. You should test the keyed application for any missing functionality before deploying it.

KC-1260 This program is protected by Windows File Protection, so a keyed copy will be restored to an unkeyed copy. Copy the file to a scratch directory and key it from there instead.

Windows protects certain files from being modified when they are in their default location, so you must make a copy in a different location before keying.

KC-1310 The group named "group name" is used as the Scope in one or more licenses (e.g., &lquote;^1&rquote;). Removing this group will disable Policies since all clients are out of Scope when a group is not defined.

If a Policy is configured with a group Scope but that group name does not exist, the Policy will not apply to any clients.

KC-WIN-130 The program could not be keyed because it is not compatible with this version of KeyConfigure. Please contact Sassafras Software immediately about this application.

Some programs may be found to be incompatible with KeyConfigure. Although this is a very rare case, it is still possible. When you encounter this message, please contact Sassafras Software as soon as it is convenient so that we may provide you with a new version of KeyConfigure that is compatible with the program you wish to key.

KC-WIN-140 The program could not be keyed because it does not contain proper version information.

KeyConfigure calculates a unique tag for each program based on certain information contained in the program's executable file. If the executable file contains version information, this information is included in the calculation. This information should have a standard format, as defined by Microsoft. If the version information is not in this format or in a format recognizable by KeyConfigure, then the unique id cannot be determined. If this message appears, first make sure that the executable file has not become corrupted. You should get a new copy of the file from the original program disks. If you still get this message when you try to key the program, contact Sassafras Software Support so that we can provide a workaround.

KC-WIN-220 This copy of the program is already keyed. Please select a different, unkeyed copy of this program if you still wish to install a Control into the KeyServer.

Before KeyConfigure attempts to key a program, it checks if that copy of the program has already been keyed. If so, KeyConfigure will not key it twice. If you need to create a Control for a program because you have misplaced a previously created Control, then you should locate an unkeyed copy of the program. When KeyConfigure keys a program, it renames the original with the extension ".bak", so look for that file first. Otherwise, restore the unkeyed version from a backup or from the original disks.

KC-WIN-230 The MSI database in this script could not be opened for modification. Try deputizing a different copy from the original distribution media, and verify that this is a proper MSI script.

KC-WIN-240 The MSI database in this script has an unknown or improper structure. Try deputizing a different copy from the original distribution media, and verify that this is a proper MSI script.

KC-WIN-280 The MSI script could not be deputized because a cabinet that it contains has an unknown or invalid format.

KeyConfigure cannot deputize an MSI that is formatted differently than expected.

KC-WIN-290 The MSI script could not be deputized because of an error. Try deputizing a different copy from the original distribution media, and verify that this is a proper MSI script.

KC-WIN-290 The MSI script could not be deputized because of an error while keying Program. Try deputizing a different copy from the original distribution media, and verify that this is a proper MSI script.

These messages are very rare. If the file is a proper MSI script, contact Sassafras Software technical support.

KC-WIN-310 The script or data file "file name" is an MSI script. Such files should be deputized using the "Deputize an Installer" command in the File menu.

You are trying to key a file that is an MSI. Instead, you should deputize it.

KC-WIN-320 There was an error while keying file name. Click OK to deputize this MSI script without keying this program, or Cancel to abort the process.

KC-WIN-320 There was an error while keying file name. Click OK to deputize this MSI script without keying this program, or Cancel to abort the process.

One specific application within the msi could not be keyed. If you must key this application, contact Sassafras Software Support.

Other Messages

The following messages, listed in alphabetical order, might appear on a computer running KeyAccess. Although they could be considered KeyAccess messages, they are actually provided by the KeyServer or by a KeyServer-controlled program.

KS-170 This KeyServer controlled program is not supported by the KeyServer you are using. Get an updated version of the program, or select a different KeyServer.

This message will appear either when you have deleted a Policy from the KeyServer (and a program which used to be managed by that Policy is launched), or when a user from another KeyServed site (or another department in your organization that uses a KeyServer) launches a keyed program that you have never installed on your KeyServer.

KS-171 The launch of this KeyServer controlled program was denied by the KeyServer you are using. Please try launching the program again, and if that is unsuccessful contact your Administrator.

Once in a while, a client will end up with an invalid cache file, which will cause this message to appear the first time it tries to launch a program. If the same program is launched a second time, it should not appear again.

KS-172 All licenses for this program have been disabled. Contact your KeyServer Administrator for further information.

If you set a License to have a 0 limit, or the managed policy is disabled for a keyed application, this is the message that users will see when trying to launch the program(s) controlled by the License.

KS-180 The network KeyServer, which is required by KeyServer controlled programs, is currently supporting the maximum number of users. Please try again later.

Each KeyServer can provide service to a maximum number of KeyAccess computers. When the maximum number of computers have logged in to the KeyServer, each subsequently discovered computer is denied service, and gets this message. You can make room by setting computer records which are no longer used to Prohibited. If you have too many frequent users, call Sassafras Software at (603) 643-3351 or email Sassafras Software Sales in order to obtain a larger KeyServer license.

Note that this does not mean that all the licenses for any particular program are in use; it is possible for a user to get this message when there are no controlled programs in use, as this message refers to the capacity of the KeyServer itself, not to the number of licenses available for a particular program.

KS-190 The network KeyServer, which is required by this program, is supporting the maximum number of KeyServer controlled programs on your computer. Quit one of the running programs and try again.

The KeyServer places a restriction on the number of KeyServer-controlled programs that can run simultaneously on one computer. If this upper limit is reached, KeyServer denies new launches of controlled programs until one of the currently running controlled programs is exited. The limit is sufficiently high, so that you will not encounter this message frequently.

KS-200 The KeyAccess program running on your computer is not the latest version. An update is available.

This message indicates that the user should obtain the most recent version of KeyAccess, and install it on their computer, although the version currently in use is still supported by the KeyServer. Once KeyAccess has been upgraded, this message will not appear again.

KS-210 The KeyAccess program running on your computer is obsolete, and will not run with the active KeyServer. An update is available.

This message indicates that the user must obtain the most recent version of KeyAccess, and install it on their computer. Once KeyAccess has been upgraded, this message will not appear again.

KS-230 This program was not keyed by the currently selected KeyServer. Get a new copy of the program, or select a different KeyServer.

The KeyServer administrator has the option to turn off "foreign" copies of keyed programs (with the "Exact Match Only" option described in the KeyConfigure chapter). If someone from another KeyServer site (or from another department in your organization that also uses the KeyServer) attempts to launch a keyed program that was created on this other KeyServer, and you have made your copy of this same program "Exact Match Only", this message will be posted and the launch will be denied. If you want to fix this, either turn the "Exact Match Only" option off for this program, or give the user a copy of the locally keyed program.

KS-240 The network KeyServer, which is required by KeyServer controlled programs, cannot grant you permission to run this program. If you think you have received this message in error, please contact your KeyServer Administrator.

This usually indicates that either the Policy is a Node Policy, and the user is not in the node list, or that the user does not meet a group restriction that is applied to the License. It will also be shown if there is a Deny Policy. It can also occur if all seats in a Policy are allocated and the Queue and Notify option in the managing Policy is not enabled.

KS-250 The network KeyServer, which is required by KeyServer controlled programs, has already issued all licenses enabled for this program. Please try running the program later.

Normally, when KeyServer has given out all of the licenses for a program, users are asked if they want to wait in line for the next available license. Some Licenses are configured so that this notification service is disabled.

KS-260 The network KeyServer, which is required by KeyServer controlled programs, will only connect to computers that are in the same network zone.

The KeyServer has the ability to limit access to users within the same AppleTalk zone. If someone from a zone other than the KeyServer zone attempts to logon, this message will be posted and access will be denied.

KS-270 The network KeyServer, which is required by KeyServer controlled programs, cannot grant you permission to run this program because the license has expired.

KeyServer has the ability to support Controls with an expiration date, such as timed demonstration versions of programs, or leased programs. If you have installed such a Control on your KeyServer, and the expiration date has passed, launches of the keyed program are denied and this message is posted. The only way to again use the keyed program is to get another Control from the original source (software developer or lessor).

KS-280 The network KeyServer, which is required by KeyServer controlled programs, cannot grant you permission to run this program.

Controls supplied by a software developer for a certain program (as opposed to Controls installed into a program using KeyConfigure) might have special conditions under which a license will be denied. If the developer's Control determines that a user should not be allowed to launch the keyed program, it tells KeyServer and KeyServer conveys this message to the user. Read the documentation for the keyed program and make sure you are abiding by the license agreement before you launch the keyed program again.

KS-300 The network KeyServer, which is required by KeyServer controlled programs, cannot issue a license to this program over a Remote Access connection.

The KeyServer administrator has the option to deny use of KeyServer managed programs to users who connect by RDP or VNC. If someone attempts to launch a controlled program over a Remote Access connection, and the Local Session Required option is on in the Policy, this message will be posted and the launch will be denied/terminated. If you want to remove this, turn the Local Session Required option off for the Policy managing the Product.

KS-310 The network KeyServer, which is required by KeyServer controlled programs, can not issue a portable key for this program.

The KeyServer administrator can forbid use of portable keys for certain keyed programs, and permit it for other keyed programs. If a portable key is requested for a program that cannot be run off of the network, this message is displayed. Users should see this message only in rare circumstances. Normally, KeyCheckout displays only those programs that are enabled for portable keys. However, if a user has left KeyCheckout running for a long time, and the administrator changes a Control to make it non-portable, KeyCheckout will not automatically know this new information. Choose Refresh List in KeyCheckout's File menu so that KeyCheckout can obtain updated information.