
The additional options for a Concurrent Policy revealed by the triangle button in the Scope & Action pane pane of a Policy Details Window let you split license allocation among several "Pools" (Groups of Users or Computers) each with a License Limit and Scope specified. For example, you might want to assign a certain number of licenses for exclusive use within a particular computer lab. If use in the lab is only needed at specific times on certain days, you can schedule this exclusive lab restriction so that it applies only to the scheduled time while leaving a different allocation for all Unscheduled Times.

For example, based on a defined Group of lab computers, you could restrict some Photoshop licenses to a pool for exclusive use in the lab from 2:30 to 3:30 on Wednesday afternoons. For other Unscheduled Times, all licenses would be available for use anywhere.

Note: If too many licenses are already in use when a lab schedule takes effect, then KeyServer may have to reclaim a license from an outside user - this is only done if actual demand in the lab requires it. The oldest outside user will experience a "please save your work and quit" message. Like the "Reclaim License" message that the admin can send explicitly to a particular user (from the Connected Clients Window), unsaved work in an open document is never put at risk. The schedule feature of a custom policy is the one case where a new license allocation takes precedence over an existing allocation and therefore an existing allocation may have to be reclaimed.

Scope & Action pane UI for a Custom Policy

When the expansion triangle on the right hand side of the Scope & Action pane is clicked for a Concurrent policy, the pane is expanded and a new section is added, exposing the options for Custom Pools and Schedules.

Add Schedule / Remove Schedule.

When configuring Schedules and Pools, the default time scope includes all Unscheduled Times. The drop down menu lets you view and configure license allocation for any scheduled time that has been defined. This menu also lets you add or remove schedules using a sub-dialog. The name of a schedule reflects the days of the week when it applies, as indicated by check boxes. Each schedule can specify only a single time segment for all of its days.

Add Schedules dialog

When you select Add Schedule, you will get a dialog like the one picture above. The schedule which is currently in effect is listed in bold with an arrow next to it. The placeholder for the new schedule is at the end of the list, and its name changes as you edit the Times and Days. The time segments defined in different schedules cannot overlap (unless one schedule is entirely contained within another, e.g. Wednesday 10AM-11AM inside of Weekdays 9AM-12PM). If the new schedule overlaps, the interface will highlight in red and refuse to save an overlapping time definition. If it is necessary to specify more than one time segment, you will have to create more than one schedule (as in the various Wednesday schedules above). Once a schedule has been defined and saved it will be added to the drop down menu. You can edit the pools and license allocation parameters for a schedule at any time, but to change the time scope you must remove the schedule and add a new one.